U.S. Regents Review

1. If you see: House of Burgesses, Mayflower Compact, Zenger Trial...

Answer: "early forms of democracy" or early "republics."

2. If you see: John Marshall ...

Answer: Either he expanded the power of the federal government, or Judicial Review. Marbury v. Madison = Judicial Review.

3. Why did Immigrants and African Americans move to cities? That's where the jobs were!

4. If you see: Nativism = anti-foreign sentiment. The creation of quota systems regarding immigration is important to know. These acts favored western Europeans who spoke English, NOT Eastern Europeans. A question on the Chinese Exclusion Act or the Sacco-Vanzetti case could also have nativism as an answer.

5. Federalism = Division of Powers between the Federal Government and the States!!! See Chart Below.                           

6. Don't confuse federalism with Checks and Balances!!! C and B is checking the three Branches (Legislative, Executive, Judicial) of Government! Ex. Veto, judicial review, impeachment. National Gov, checks itself -- has nothing to do with states in terms of the Regents Exam. See Chart Below.                                     

7. If you see: George Washington ...

Answer: is most likely "neutrality/isolationism/noninvolvement"

8. Why did we have a weak Articles of Confederation?

Answer: fear of a strong government, or power to the states was preferred.

9. If you see: Domino Theory (for Asia), Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, Korean War, NATO ...


10. WWII = Know the Lend-Lease Act, plus Cash and Carry. Answer should be: a move away from isolationism -- becoming less neutral. Pearl Harbor and D-Day occasionally come up. D-Day will usually have an answer about opening up a new front in Europe during the war.

11. If you see: Why didn't we ratify the Treaty of Versailles? = Neutrality. We did not want to join the international League of Nations!

12. If you see: Unwritten Constitution = These are things that we do which aren't printed in the Constitution such as political parties, cabinet, judicial review, and nominating conventions.

13. We got involved in WWI because of "the Boat, and the Note." (Lusitania, and Zimmermann Telegram).  The Boat for the Spanish-American War was the Maine.

14. Trust or Monopoly ... makes the rich get richer. The Sherman Anti-Trust Act tried to bust them! If you see Unions (or AFL, Sherman Anti-Trust, or Arbitration) ... Answer is something like "to help the small guy and consumer out."

15. To repeal an amendment ... must ratify (approve) another amendment (like the 18th and 21st for prohibition.) Speaking of ratifying ... think Federalist Papers were for ratification of the Constitution.

16. Manifest Destiny = led to the question --should these states be slave or free??? Manifest Destiny also settles the Frontier ... Know the Homestead Act, and if you see Transcontinental Railroad, the answer is usually about increased trade, and settlement.

16a. Also, know Presidential (lenient) vs. Radical (harsh on South/for Black rights) Reconstruction. Sharecropping occurred during Home Rule, as did literacy tests.

17. If you see:  John Hay -- think "Hay look ... it's China!" The answer is always about trade in Asia for Open Door Policy. Just open the door and say "Haaaay!"

Note: Questions 1-3 usually have something to do with geography. Most notably: Mississippi River led to trade and navigation, New England had trade, the South was agricultural, and the Great Plains were flat. New Orleans was a port for trade.

18. If you see:  How did the US respond to massive immigration? The QUOTA SYSTEM is usually the answer. Specifically, know the National-Origins Act

18a. Anti-communism WWI = Red Scare and Palmer Raids ... Anti-communism post-WWII = McCarthyism

19. Did you know that the Supreme Court did not support FDR? That's usually a cartoon question. He tried to pack the court with allies. But he never did it in the end.

20. If you see: Jacob Riis, Upton Sinclair, Ida Tarbell = They are writers known as Muckrakers...the answer should be about cleaning up and regulating big business to protect the people.

21. If you see: The Great Society...The answer should be about the government helping the poor. Similarly, The New Deal of FDR looked to create jobs (public works) and help people socially and economically.

22. Ronald Reagan cut taxes for the rich with "Reaganomics."

23. Lobbying is when special interest groups try to get Congress to vote a certain way. They hang out in the lobby and try to convince them.

24. If you see: Initiative, Referendum, or Recall...The answer will be about expanding democracy during the Progressive Era.

25. If you see: The Great Compromise or 3/5 Compromise ...the answer should be about representation, or the population determining representation in the House.

26. If you see: Cesar Chavez...Think "Caesar Salad" -- he fought for the rights of farmers. Another name to know is Rachel Carson. Her book Silent Spring helped start the environmental movement. Spring=Nature.

27. If you see: Seneca Falls = It's a women's conference. Women love to go to the Falls, it's romantic.

28. Langston Hughes starts with an H. So does Harlem Renaissance. If there's an African American culture movement question, Hughes can be the answer.

29. If you see: Miranda v. Arizona, Gideon v. Wainwright - These cases expanded the rights to the accused!

30. Not in your textbook if it's old. After 9/11, the US created the Department of Homeland Security to protect American citizens. Also, know the Patriot Act.

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